Quran artistic path

The third path of the "Belquran" great project is the path of Quranic art. Topics in this direction are: Quran music and sound, Quranic illustration, Quranic architecture, Quranic urban planning and...

The database of this route includes the database of the specialized route of the Quran and related art databases. For each artistic field, a specialized and professional worktable is installed so that artists can use Quranic content to create Quran-based art productions. Of course, it should be noted that this route, like the miracle route, is strongly influenced by the first route, which is a specialized route. This adherence to the specialized path causes the next paths to stay away from imagination, illusion and baseless interpretation..

First phase database third Phase database fourth Phase database second Phase database Quran recitation guide software Quran verses music software Tajweed rules software Other worktables of the Quran music path Quranic imaging software Quranic symbols software Other worktables of Quran visual path (Language of the Quran) (Quranic concepts) (Translation of the Quran) (Analysis and contemplation) applications Database Quranic Art

For example, a painter who is committed and interested in the Quran wants to depict a scene from heaven in the Quran, here the software comes to his aid and introduces all the visual elements of that scene to the painter, as well as to help him to get a good perspective, in fact, he puts him in an angle where God Almighty is present and explains the scene in the Qur'an, while the software tells its artist user what elements are in this the scene is the focus of the subject and what elements are in the margins and ....

In this way, the user in his worktable, with the help of software based on Quranic literature, Quranic emphasis, Quranic concepts, Quranic translation and interpretation, receives information that includes the artistic elements in the scene, the relationship between the elements, the angle of view. , The importance and priority of the elements over each other and .... With the help of these tools, the artist user will actually translate and interpret the Quran in his own artistic way and will actually draw a picture of a translation of the Quran..

One of the worktable of the artistic path of the Quran is the musical worktable of the Quran. The Quranic artist gets acquainted with the etiquette, conditions, ups and downs of the sound and phonetics of the Quran, which is based on the Quranic literature. In fact, in the music worktable, there will be a space in which a musician can reach the endowments, notes and songs, the ups and downs of the Quran..

Due to the assumption that each surah of the surahs of the Quran has its own song, another output of this worktable will be to achieve the specific song of each surah. When the music of a surah is explained to the artist, then that artist produces not on the basis of his personal tastes but on the basis of the Quran and Quranic songs..