Objectives and tasks of the center

The Caravan of Science research group, managed by Mr. Elahi, is a research institution that facilitates access to sources and texts of Islamic sciences and religious culture and related preparations using technology, Information and communication, and its development and generalization in the seminaries and domestic and international cultural associations are formed and have legal personality and financial independence, administrative and employment in private..

  • Production of software programs in various fields of Islamic sciences and religious culture and related preparations for research, Propagation and Informing religious teachings at various specialized and general levels.
  • Researching and use of the best ways to use Internet and intranet networks to receive and send the required information and provide Internet services to researchers and religious science centers.
  • Use of information and communication technology for the goals of the center.
  • Carrying out the necessary research for use in production software and Internet networks.
  • Publication of books - especially old and manuscripts - magazines and pamphlets related to programs and information produced electronically or in writing.
  • Teaching computers and research software and methods of informing Islamic science researchers as needed.
  • Providing software and hardware computer services to researchers in Islamic sciences.
  • Identifying, strengthening and promoting the factors of growth and development of the culture of optimal use of computer technology and its development and generalization in the fields of science and general religious culture.
  • Cooperation with research, computer and cultural institutions in order to exchange experiences in content management, production of required software and establishment of databases and information centers, and provision of software services to the above-mentioned institutions.