The second part of the Quranic corpus contains articles only of the words of the Quran. In this part of the corpus, an attempt has been made to count and record all the categories only about each Quranic word..
In this column of the database, the type of word in terms of noun, verb or letter is specified. If there was a disagreement about a word, which is a noun, it is a letter or a noun, or the verb of both cases is stated.
Noun-specific morphological specifications:
Based on the word type column, special columns are embedded for the words that are nouns to provide their morphological information as follows:
declinable / indeclinable:
The nouns in this column are distinguished from each other based on whether they are indeclinable or declinable.
triptote and diptote nouns are distinguished from each other in this column.
- conjugated / non-conjugated:
conjugated and non-conjugated nouns in this column are distinguished from each other.
In this column, rigid nouns are specified and their types are specified in terms of verbal rigid or non- verbal rigid. Also, the grund, the gender noun and the proper noun, and similar topics are given in this part of the database..
Derivative noun are given in this column. For all derivative nouns, the type of their derivation is also given, but with respect to the borrowing of different sayings, it is stated in different words..
In this column, the nouns are divided into two groups: definite and indefinite.
In this column, the types of religious teachings are written.
- Verb-specific morphological features:
Based on the word type column, special columns are embedded for words that are verbs to provide their morphological information as follows:
Complete verbs and defective verbs are specified in this column.
- intransitive / transitive:
The verbs themselves are assigned in this column without considering the words in the Quranic sentences in terms of intransitive or transitiveness, so that if the present example is transitive in itself, such as "Yumunun", even if no object is mentioned for it in that sentence. Be recorded as a transitive to an object. Of course, the existence or non-existence of objects or verbs according to the text of the Quran is recorded in another part of the database as syntactic communication..
If the present is transitive, its type (ie transitive to letter or transitive in essence) is reflected in this column, as well as the number of objects. است.
The active or passive verbs are entered in this column.
- Morphological commonalities of nouns and verbs:
Some morphological titles do not have a specificity for the verb or noun, but are used in both of them, which are given in the following columns.:
Words related to the main letters reflected in the root and redundant letters in this column are categorized as triliteral, triliteral derived, four lettered, four lettered derived, and khumsi..
All verbs and nouns are verbals in terms of category in this column ave been assigned.. In this column, even the verbs and nouns of triliteral are mentioned.
The scale of all Quranic verbs and names with Quranic roots is given in this column. This column is one of the most dedicated parts of this database, which has been compiled with double accuracy. Also, if there is a theoretical difference in the weight of a word, which is often due to a difference in the root of that word, it has been counted by maintaining trust from reliable sources.
- Singular scale of the word:
According to the word scales column and with reference to the word category column, the singular scale of the words that had scale in the previous column is written in this column..
The meaning of number in verbs is singular, dual, plural, singular and with others; In some names such as pronouns, demonstrative, a corresponding number is also recorded.
The masculinity or femininity of the words is also reflected in this column.
third person, second person e or speaker of all verbs and some nouns such as verb nouns or pronouns are listed in this column..
- declinable / indeclinable:
The verbs and nouns of declinable and indeclinable in this column are distinguished from each other.
- Morphological specifications of letters:
The morphological properties of the letters in separate columns are recorded in the database as follows:
- causative / non-causative:
The causative of the letters in this column has been checked and recorded.
causative type, such as genitive or accusative, is examined in this column.
The type of letters is the main morphological feature of the letters that are entered in this column, such as conjunction, estinafie, resembled to verb and ...
- Meanings of letters and particles:
The meanings of the letters are the special meanings that the letter in question has assigned to itself in the Quranic usage. For example, if in the previous column, in front of the letter "Fe", the inflection letter is written, in this column, it is examined whether this letter also has the meaning of causation or not. Of course, in this column, in addition to the meaning of the letters, the specific meaning of some names with the general title of particles is also given. For example, in the case of the word "Man" as a noun, it has been examined whether this word is a proper noun or a conditional noun or an interrogative noun and ...
- Other morphological topics:
Some other morphological features of words that have a lower meaning and are less used among Qur'anic researches and topics are listed in this column, including: belong to sound masculine plural, belong to sound feminine plural, numbers and types of numbers. , Attributed name, short name and ....